Thursday, June 4, 2009

I just had to put this picture up on the blog! This picture consists of me, my siblings, and some neighbor kids. Kelli and Paige I hope you are not upset that I posted this, I just had to. Oh I forgot Leif and I believe that is Drew, sorry to the both of you!.............Actually the more I think about it I am not sorry :) I have some very fond memories of Oki, and I know all of you do too! Enjoy!


Paige Elizabeth said...

Haha! That is so funny!! :) My Mom said she loves it and she can't wait till you come visit!! But she said to tell Andrew she can't stay up till 2am like we do when we IM. ;) Haha! I love looking at old pictures. So fun!
Lauren showed Holly and I Kylie's facebook the other day. I was thinking your stepsister was Kylie, but Lauren set me straight. Lol!
Kelli will love to see this picture. She's house sitting this week, but I'll give her a call and tell her to look at your blog!

Paige Elizabeth said...

btw, I love your new blog layout!!!

Kelli Overturf said...

Saw your comment on Paige's site so I stopped by! So glad you posted that pic. That's great! We're all so little. Those were great days. Notice the trash can wall? remember climbing those and sliding/jumping down them! Fun times. :-) Do you have anymore of those Oki pics?